Beston BTF4-4 Egg Tray Making Machine Shipped to Iraq

Delivery news is coming! Beston shipped BTF4-4 egg tray making machine to Iraq successfully in June 2022. This production line serves for customers farm to make paper egg trays.

BTF4-4 Egg Tray Making Machine Shipped to Iraq
BTF4-4 Egg Tray Making Machine Shipped to Iraq

Introduction of BTF4-4 Egg Tray Making Machine in Iraq

  • Model: BTF4-4;
  • Output: 2500-3000pcs/h;
  • Side: 4;
  • Molds: 16;
  • Drying: Natural;
  • Production Cycle: 20 Working Days.

Iraq has high temperatures all year round, which facilitates drying work. Iraqi customers use the natural drying method, which saves fuel and electricity consumption without building a drying room. Iraqi customers are very satisfied with our solutions.

When this egg tray machine is installed, Iraqi customers can form a farm that integrates egg production, storage and transportation. By changing molds, customers can use this machine to make 24/30 egg trays or 6/10/12 egg cartons. They also plan to sell the egg trays to surrounding farms. I believe that Iraqi customers can go to success.

Shipping Details of BTF4-4 Egg Tray Making Machine to Iraq

Feedback of Iraqi Customers

An Iraqi customer said: “I have heard from partners that if you want to invest in an egg tray making machine, you’d better choose from Beston Group. After working with Beston, I understand why they say this. I think one of the reasons for Beston’s success is that they do for the sake of customers, not blindly just want to make our money. I am very satisfied with this cooperation and will recommend Beston to business partners. Hope we all succeed!

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    Contact Us

    The following items will help you identify key information about your project, which will enable us to work on a competitive solution proposal.

    Please specify your requirement by referring to the following aspects:

    1.Which model would prefer? (BTF4-4 to BTF8-8) Or what is your expected output? (Key point)

    2.Do you need metal drying line for drying wet paper trays?

    3.Your requirements on the final pulp molded products

    4.Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key info for right model)

    5.Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)