BTF4-4 Egg Tray Making Machine Shipped to Guatemala

In 2020, our Guatemala customer successfully ordered the BTF4-4 egg tray machine. Next, I will show you the details of the shipment.

The egg tray machine and various accessories will be shipped to the truck after being packed in the factory. The destination of the truck is Tianjin Port, China.

2500 pcs Egg Tray Machine to Guatemala
2500 pcs Egg Tray Machine to Guatemala

Main Sipping List

  • Forming machine 1 set
  • Pulp pump 1 set
  • Water pump 1 set
  • Drying trays 3000 pcs
Loading Egg Tray Machine to Guatemala
Loading Egg Tray Machine to Guatemala
Drying Trays
Drying Trays

BTF4-4 egg tray machine can produce 2000-2500pcs paper trays per hour. It belongs to a semi-automatic egg tray machine, which needs to be manually sorted and dried after the egg tray is formed. Beston provides natural drying pallets for Guatemalan customers. These trays can achieve a good drying effect.

Guatemala is located in the tropics, which provides good natural conditions for the drying of egg trays. If automatic drying is adopted, the drying system and site costs are a considerable expense. However, in Guatemala you only need to take the wet egg trays to the tray and dry them naturally.

If you want to know more about the egg tray machine made in China, Beston is happy to provide you with the most professional industry information. Contact Beston now to get a free business plan.

    Contact Us

    The following items will help you identify key information about your project, which will enable us to work on a competitive solution proposal.

    Please specify your requirement by referring to the following aspects:

    1.Which model would prefer? (BTF4-4 to BTF8-8) Or what is your expected output? (Key point)

    2.Do you need metal drying line for drying wet paper trays?

    3.Your requirements on the final pulp molded products

    4.Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key info for right model)

    5.Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)