Malawi Customer Invested in BTF1-4 Egg Tray Machine

Excellent report! 1500pcs/h egg tray making machine was successfully performed in Malawi. The Malawi client has an abundance of waste paper boxes, which happens to be the raw material for paper egg tray. Thus, it is an ideal opportunity for them to launch this project. This measure not only helps customers profit from useless waste cartons but also achieves the recycling of waste cartons. If you are interested in the egg tray machine project, please continue reading.

Installed BTF1-4 Egg Tray Machine in Malawi
Installed BTF1-4 Egg Tray Machine in Malawi

Specific Details of BTF1-4 Egg Tray Machine in Malawi

  • Model: BTF1-4
  • Capacity: 1500pcs/h
  • Forming mold quantity: 4
  • Total power: 36-60w
  • Raw material: waste cartons
  • Production cycle: 15 days
  • Installation method: online guidance

How We Collaborate with Malawi Clients?

  • Helping customers explore profitable egg tray business: Malawi client was interested in the profitable egg tray production business. We worked with clients to analyze the egg tray landscape, offering insights on maximizing profits. This includes understanding market dynamics and operational practices of egg tray making machine to ensure their success in this industry.
  • Building trust through research and communication: Our clients in Malawi conducted extensive research on our products, which enhances their trust to us. At the same time, we provided detailed information and transparent communication. Additionally, our long-term clients also share their positive experiences and even speak directly with the clients to help address any questions or provide further insights.
Load BTF1-4 Forming Machine to Malawi
Load BTF1-4 Forming Machine to Malawi
Delivery of BTF1-4 to Malawi
Delivery of BTF1-4 to Malawi

Launch Your Environmental Project

Malawi client’s decision to choose us was based on our previous successful cases of pulp molding machine and the trust they placed in us. We are always committed to focusing on the essential needs of customers, providing them with competitive overall solutions, and continuously creating the greatest value for clients. Launch your environmental project with us from now on.

    Contact Us

    The following items will help you identify key information about your project, which will enable us to work on a competitive solution proposal.

    Please specify your requirement by referring to the following aspects:

    1.Which model would prefer? (BTF4-4 to BTF8-8) Or what is your expected output? (Key point)

    2.Do you need metal drying line for drying wet paper trays?

    3.Your requirements on the final pulp molded products

    4.Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key info for right model)

    5.Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)