Operation Site of BTF4-8 Egg Tray Production Line in Kyrgyzstan

If you want to know how the Beston large automatic egg tray machine works, please watch the operation site of the BTF5-8 egg tray production line in Kyrgyzstan. The customer adopts the brick drying method.

More Details About BTF5-8 Egg Tray Production Line in Kyrgyzstan

  • Model: BTF5-8;
  • Capacity: 4500-5500pcs/h;
  • Raw material: waste paper;
  • Final product: 30 cavities egg tray;
  • Drying system: brick drying;
  • Paper consumption: 425kg/h.

After-sales Service of Egg Tray Production Line in Kyrgyzstan

Before the BTF5-8 egg tray production line arrives in Kyrgyzstan, the Beston delivery team provides customers with technical documents such as production layout drawings and circuit diagrams. Kyrgyzstan customers laid out production sites in advance and did a good job in civil engineering. Here you can see the building of brick drying system.

BTF5-8 Egg Tray Production Line in Kyrgyzstan
Build Pulp System in Kyrgyzstan

3D Layout of BTF5-8 Egg Tray Production Line with Brick Drying System in Kyrgyzstan

The advantages of a brick drying system are that it is not limited by time and place, and requires less capital investment. A wide range of heat sources can be used for brick drying. The drying process of BTF5-8 egg tray production will be completed in about 25 minutes.

Beston Group designs production layouts according to customer site requirements and production conditions. Customers in Kyrgyzstan value the technical documentation we provide, which plays an important role in the construction of the production site and the installation of the egg tray equipment.

3D Layout of Egg Tray Production Line in Kyrgyzstan

    Contact Us

    The following items will help you identify key information about your project, which will enable us to work on a competitive solution proposal.

    Please specify your requirement by referring to the following aspects:

    1.Which model would prefer? (BTF4-4 to BTF8-8) Or what is your expected output? (Key point)

    2.Do you need metal drying line for drying wet paper trays?

    3.Your requirements on the final pulp molded products

    4.Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key info for right model)

    5.Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)